Green Globe Realisation

We believe in the transformative power of tree planting.
Join us in the global movement to restore ecosystems, combat climate change, and foster biodiversity through the simple act of planting trees.Together, we can create a sustainable future for generations to come.

About Us

Areas of focus
Vision & Mission
Core Values
Success Stories

The Green Globe Realization (GGR) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and conservation of arid areas of Kenya like Wajir, Marsabit, Garissa, Mandera, Turkana, Tana River, Narok and more. Established in 2022, GGR operates with the objective of mitigating the ecological challenges faced by arid areas of Kenya and ensuring its sustainable development. Our multidisciplinary team comprises environmental scientists, researchers, conservationists, and community development experts who collaborate to address the unique environmental issues prevalent in arid areas of Kenya. Through our diverse range of projects and initiatives, we aim to create a positive and lasting impact on the ecosystems, biodiversity, and livelihoods in the region.

Biodiversity Conservation/Tree planting: GGR is committed to preserving and enhancing the rich biodiversity found in North Eastern Kenya. We conduct research, monitor endangered species, and implement conservation programs to safeguard the delicate balance of flora and fauna in the region.
Sustainable Resource Management: GGR promotes sustainable resource management practices to ensure the efficient use of scarce resources in the area. We work closely with local communities to develop strategies for water conservation, land management, and renewable energy adoption.
Community Empowerment: Recognizing the integral role of local communities, GGR emphasizes community empowerment. We collaborate with stakeholders to implement capacity-building programs, provide educational resources, and support sustainable livelihood initiatives that enhance the well-being of communities in the region.
Advocacy and Policy Influence: GGR actively engages in advocacy efforts at local, national, and international levels to influence policies that support environmental conservation in arid regions. We strive to raise awareness about the importance of these ecosystems and advocate for their protection and sustainable development.

GGR believes in the power of collaboration and maintains strategic partnerships with government agencies, academic institutions, conservation organizations, and local communities. By fostering synergistic relationships, we enhance our collective impact, share knowledge, and leverage resources to drive effective environmental change in North Eastern Kenya. Together with our partners, GGR envisions a future where arid areas thrive, offering a harmonious balance between environmental sustainability, community well-being, and economic prosperity. We are dedicated to making a tangible difference in arid regions, inspiring a global movement towards the preservation and conservation of these invaluable ecosystems.

Mission: Our mission is to protect and conserve the environment in North Eastern Kenya by implementing sustainable solutions that promote biodiversity, preserve natural resources, and empower local communities.
Vision: Our vision is to create a world where arid areas thrive through the adoption of sustainable environmental practices, leading to healthy ecosystems, increased economic prosperity, and social well-being for all.

Environmental Stewardship: We are committed to protecting and preserving the natural world, and recognize the interconnectedness of all living things.
Collaboration: We believe that collaboration is key to achieving our mission, and work closely with local communities, government agencies, and other organizations to achieve our goals.
Sustainability: We prioritize sustainable solutions that balance environmental, social, and economic considerations, and ensure that our actions have a positive impact on the environment and society in the long-term.
Innovation: We are committed to exploring new and innovative approaches to environmental conservation, and continuously seek to improve and refine our methods.
Inclusivity: We believe that everyone has a role to play in protecting the environment, and strive to promote inclusivity and diversity in all aspects of our work.

Our organization achieved a notable milestone at the inaugural Africa Climate Summit, led by HE President Ruto. The summit, addressing global and African climate challenges, is crucial in the face of rising climate crises. We successfully engaged in the summit, contributing to discussions aimed at mitigating climate change's increasing exposure and costs. Our involvement in framing and influencing commitments and pledges showcased our commitment to environmental stewardship. This event stands as a testament to our dedication to addressing climate change and our role in shaping a sustainable future for Africa and the world.

Plant For The Planet

Planting trees is a powerful act of nurturing our planet's future

#TreePlantingChallenge #SaveOurForests #SaveThePlanet


Join us in making a difference. Green Globe Realisation hosts impactful events, from tree planting initiatives to various environmental activities. Together, we can create a greener and more sustainable future. Get involved today and be a part of the positive change!

Our organization strongly believes in the power of collective action when it comes to environmental preservation. Through our events, we strive to create opportunities for individuals to participate in tree planting initiatives, cultivating a greener world. By bringing people together, we inspire a shared commitment to the environment and encourage sustainable practices, including plastic ban activities, to combat plastic pollution!


Branching Out: Explore Our Green Globe Realisation Blog for Inspiring Stories, Tips, and Insights on Tree Planting and Environmental Conservation.

Exploring Trees, Nature, and Sustainable Living.

Uncover the wonders of tree species from around the world, explore their unique characteristics, and learn how they contribute to our ecosystem. Discover the fascinating interplay between nature and sustainable living practices, as we dive into topics such as eco-friendly homes, renewable energy, and ethical consumption... Read More